Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Brad's Raw Chips Review

As I'm sure you've gathered, I've been on a fast.  (You can read about it here and here and here and here.)  On Day 22, I decided to start adding a limited array of foods back into my diet, after three weeks of eating (and drinking) nothing but fruits and veggies.

When I told the people at Brad's Raw Foods that I was ready to start eating again, they were kind enough to send me some Raw Kale Chips and some Raw Vegetable Chips to try.

We got the Naked Vegan Cheese flavor of kale and Red Bell Pepper veggie chips.

We sat on the porch and broke open the snacks with some homemade baba ganoush.  Um, have I ever mentioned that my two year old is crazy about chips of any kind?  

These chips were totally made for us.  You know how I'm a psycho health food store person, right?  Brad's Raw Foods are make with a dehydrator, which means they're not cooked at a temperature high enough to obliterate all the beautiful phytonutrients in the vegetables. All of the healthiness is preserved, but in crunchy chip form.  Perfect!

Oh, and they're delicious.  (I'm not just saying that because I've spent the last 20-something days eating only cold, fresh fruits and veggies, I swear.)  I would like to tell you all about how Brad's Raw Chips got my girls to FINALLY eat handfuls of raw kale, but they do that anyway.  We have a garden full of kale, and we juice and smoothie it up every morning.  But, in this case, they also ate handful after handful of kale, and I got to tell them they were having a special treat!

Brad's Raw, you get 6 thumbs way up from Louisey, Scouty and I!

Disclosure:  I was given these chips for free.  My opinions about them are my own.  Duh.  Like anybody could buy a lie from me with a few bags of snacks.  Although, buying me off with snacks is probably a pretty good idea, if you're in need of a good idea...